Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 2 "Just Hangin' Out" 12 x 12" Palette Knife and Brushes with Acrylic Paint

When I was in France about a year ago I was able to travel through many small towns.  I was always amazed at the colors of the homes and the beautiful flowers most everywhere.  Today for my second painting for January (I know...I have a long way to go...:-) ,  I decided to paint from some of the almost 600 photos I took while there.  I actually combined a couple to get this composition.   Going through these makes me ache to return.  Oh I almost forgot....where ever I went I saw laundry hanging to dry.  Often it was even hanging on railing over a store front.  I came to enjoy seeing something that represented their every day life.  I also wondered if it actually helped with their utility bills.  I'm not so sure it's a good idea to hang my "things" on the rails of my front porch.

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